Get ready to be seen, heard, held, and inspired all while creating your most fulfilling life - from the inside/out!

At GROW we're on a quest to help you achieve true holistic wellness and take empowering steps toward your dreams - whether through group coaching, 1:1 coaching, our retreats, or booking one of our speaking packages - we will meet you where you are!

With GROW's tools, strategies, and coaching you are on your way to a life of worth!

Are you STUCK in these situations?

Playing the When....Then Game?

Are you finding yourself saying...

  • WHEN life slows down, THEN I will take care of me!

  • WHEN I lose the weight, THEN I will take the pictures!

  • WHEN things get worse, THEN I will reach out for help!

  • WHEN I can afford to, THEN I will take care of myself!

Life is short. You are worthy ❤️ of creating the life you want TODAY!

Forgotten who you are and what you love to do?

With the never-ending to do lists in our jobs, family, communities, etc. it's not uncommon for us as women to put ourselves LAST, many times losing our identities and forgetting the things that used to bring us joy before all of life started to happen.

Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup.

You are worthy ❤️ of rediscovering yourself and putting yourself FIRST!

Feeling like there has to be MORE...?

You know inside of you that there has to be more to life! Maybe you've even tried to figure it out by eating right, going to the gym, going on your last vacation - but things NEVER feel sustainable and are leaving you exhausted!

Know it's not your fault! We often take care of one element of our wellness - forgetting we're a whole human!

You are worthy ❤️ of WHOLE human wellness - physically 💪, mentally 🧠, emotionally ❤️, financially 💵, and spiritually 🧘!

The GROW Model

🧠 Mental Wellness: I want to be my own best friend - shift the language you use about yourself, understand your internal needs and purpose, and master your habits

❤️ Emotional Wellness: I want to unleash my inner power - unlock the narrative, stories, and beliefs that are keeping you stuck

💪 Physical Wellness: I want to grow strong - understand your relationship with yourself, and connect to nutrition and movement that serves you

🧘 Spiritual Wellness: I want to have more inner peace - learn and practice grounding and centering habits to connect to yourself

💵 Financial Wellness: I want to have a rich life - explore your relationship and mindset with money and how to bring in financial abundance

Meet Coach Jen Bee - the founder of GROW

Jen is a life coach and motivational speaker, on a mission to empower every woman get unstuck and live her best life.

Jen grew up in a household that showed love and shame through food and started emotionally eating at 8. Around that same time she also became massively bullied losing her confidence and belonging. Her life changed about 6 years ago when she stepped into her worth.

Now leveraging her "mess into her message" she helps her clients to create 1% sustainable changes through her holistic 5-pillar framework, empowering to live your best life mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

@Copyright GROW 2023

Copyright 2023 @ Get Ready to Own your Worth